Welcome to Bryant Land! The Bryant Land Show is produced for people who are excited about hunting and the outdoors.We truly champion diversity in the outdoor community. That is shown in the diversity of guests on our show. Wether you are a new to hunting, a savvy veteran, black, latino, man, woman, disabled or anything in between all are welcome and this podcast has something for you.
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Gerald Anderson: Out of the Box
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Gerald Anderson, Host of The Morning Smoke CLT podcast out of Charlotte, North Carolina Out of the Box. Gerald Anderson discusses his knowledge of cigars, including the differences between how they are made, the myths about cigars, humidors, and cigar lounges.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 joined the Buckwild Hunt Club.
- AB3 introduces Gerald Anderson who talks about his college experiences.
- What made Gerald Anderson get into cigar culture?
- Is he more of a social cigar smoker or relaxing with one on his own?
- Gerald Anderson explains the difference between different cigars.
- Upper tier cigars that are $10 each or more are aged tobacco and smoke smoother and burn slower.
- What is the truth about Cuban cigars?
- Where are the best places typically to buy quality cigars?
- What part does the humidor have in the cigar process?
- Gerald Anderson discusses cigar lounges.
- Eat first before you smoke cigars.
- What advice does Gerald Anderson have regarding good cigars?
- Gerald talks about his podcast and feedback he has received.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Gerald Anderson’s fascination with cigars happened 10 years ago at a friend’s whiskey party, paring different drinks with different cigars.
- Hand-rolled cigars use whole leaves, they smell better and smoke better than machine-made, and the smoke isn’t as toxic for you because there are no chemicals; just wrappers, tobacco, and fire.
- Cigarettes are about 90% chemicals and 10% tobacco. Cigars are 100% cured tobacco.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I started off as a social cigar smoker. I would do it at parties. We would go to a cigar lounge, hang out or whatever. But once I really got to understanding, kind of finding my own vibe with a cigar, I do it by myself.” – Gerald Anderson
- “It is really just whatever your taste is. For me, cigars are relaxation. Like, I sit on the patio. I mix myself a drink. I put my feet up. I turn on some music, and I just don’t think about anything.” – Gerald Anderson
- “There are really two kinds of cigars. There is machine-made and there is hand-rolled. Machine-mades are like Black ‘N Milds, Dutch Masters, the ones you find in the gas station.” – Gerald Anderson
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Gerald Anderson: Instagram
- The Morning Smoke CLT podcast: https://anchor.fm/gerald-anderson2/episodes/The-Morning-Smoke-Premiere-ecsf7c
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Latoya Mitchell Hodges: Black Girl With A Gun
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Latoya Mitchell Hodges, who also happens to be related to one of AB3’s closest friends when he moved to Atlanta. Latoya discusses how she was first introduced to guns, developing her knowledge and experience with them, and the importance of being responsible as a gun owner.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- Latoya Mitchell Hodges talks about her Christmas cookie tradition.
- Where did her interest in guns come from?
- What was it like shooting her first gun?
- Latoya Mitchell Hodges talks about gun safety AB3.
- Has Latoya ever felt that by having a gun she is somehow inviting some element into her life that wouldn’t normally be there?
- How did her dad feel when Latoya got her first gun?
- Latoya Mitchell Hodges talks about different guns she has interest in.
- Does Latoya have any interest in competing or hunting?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Gun owners have to be ok with the fact that if they pull their gun out of their holster, they are making a decision that they are going to fire their gun, and possibly kill someone.
- When carrying a gun, retreat is always an option. Don’t invite trouble.
- Owning guns isn’t just a right, it is a responsibility.
Tweetable Quotes:
- (Guns) “I became interested first, because of my dad. So, my dad is an outdoors person. He works for the Forester Commission. He got exposed to guns just for safety. My parents live out in the middle of nowhere. Police response time might be an hour.” – Latoya Mitchell Hodges
- “I felt like it was a safety issue. If I ever wanted to be around a gun, or needed to be around a gun, or needed to use a gun, I wanted to be able to know how to handle a gun.” – Latoya Mitchell Hodges
- “Take six or seven women who have never shot a gun, and you train them and put a firearm in their hand, and it is very empowering. I would say it is very uplifting actually to know that, I can actually handle this.” – Latoya Mitchell Hodges
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Bryant Land Day
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, delivers a solo episode without any guests where he talks about the path he took to get the Bryant Land brand started, telling stories with video, learning about merchandise, and discovering podcasting.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- Deer season opened in South Carolina with bucks only.
- AB3 tells the story of how the Bryant Land brand began and what Bryant Land Day?
- What made AB3 start Bryant Land?
- AB3 has been working in the media since his sophomore year in college.
- AB3 talks about the lesson he learned when he first got merchandise made.
- What is next for Bryant Land?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Bryant Land merchandise is currently 40% off by going to bryantlandcountry.com/shop and use the coupon code “Bryant.”
- The earlier days of Bryant Land began with two video shows that he independently produced.
- AB3 is looking to film some deer hunts, along with turkey and hog hunts in 2020.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “What is Bryant land Day? What is that? Basically, that is the day that the germ of an idea to start a media brand became reality. August 20th, 2016.” – AB3
- “I wanted something with my name on it. I wanted something that I could have my name on and hopefully build a legacy, something to pass down to my future generations.” – AB3
- “Being in the media, being in television, I love a good story. I love the endless possibilities, like with production, and making high-quality productions.” – AB3
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Sevin Carter: 7th Century Outdoors
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Sevin Carter, Founder of 7th Century Outdoors, in Durham, North Carolina. The discussion gets right into hunting and taking down big deer. Listen to the stories of how Sevin Carter shot the two deer that got him featured in Sportsman's Guide.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 introduces deer hunter Sevin Carter.
- North Carolina and South Carolina are underrated for their deer hunting.
- Sevin spent time in Texas and Arkansas and wishes he had a chance to hunt in them.
- How did Sevin get a chance to start hunting?
- They talk about Dick’s Sporting Goods no longer selling guns and hunting gear.
- What are the stories behind the two deer that got Sevin Carter featured in Sportsman's Guide?
- How high up in the air does Sevin like to hunt?
- What does Sevin Carter have planned for 7th Century Outdoors?
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Seven Carter started hunting at around age 10 with squirrel hunting.
- Seven shot two deer that made it into the magazine Sportsman's Guide.
- There is always something to be learned from each hunt.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Bassmaster Classics would come on and I would always watch every tournament, every tournament.” – Sevin Carter
- “You will slowly start seeing things that you used to care about pushed to the side because you are like, ‘Look I got a 150-inch deer here and I got him on trailcam. Should I wash my car or should I shoot this deer?” – Sevin Carter
- “I’m a big believer in feeding people, feeding families, even myself, my family. I’m not a trophy hunter by any means. I don’t agree with that.” – Sevin Carter
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Sevin Carter on social media: Instagram
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Ryan Taylor: Huntin' and Truckin'
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Ryan Taylor, avid deer hunter, truck driver, and creator of Whitetail Thrive. Ryan Taylor talks about how he got involved in deer hunting, overlapping his truck driving career with his passion for deer hunting, and he shares tips from his expertise in bow hunting.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 introduces Ryan Taylor, who talks about truck driving.
- Has Ryan Taylor been able to hunt while he is on the road as a truck driver?
- Did he grow up hunting or come to it later in life?
- How did he get into bow hunting?
- Which type of bow does Ryan Taylor prefer?
- What heights does Ryan Taylor like to ideally hunt at?
- How do your thermals play a role in hunting?
- If the wind isn’t right then Ryan isn’t going to bother using his stand.
- The first two weeks of deer season is the best time to hunt big bucks.
- What pushed Ryan to get involved in self-filming?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Ryan Taylor learned bow hunting on his own with the help of YouTube tutorials.
- Ryan never moves his bow sight from 30 yards, and shoots between a range of between 20-40 yards.
- Your thermals are when your scent is being carried up. In the morning your thermals will drop, but they will rise during the day.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I actually hunt on a property in Georgia. It is outside of Atlanta. It is in Palmetto, Georgia. I go down there every year on an annual hunt around my birthday, around the opener. In fact, their season starts on September 12th. My birthday is on the 11th.” – Ryan Taylor
- “Most of the places I deliver to, I always get on my phone and I’ll use OnX or something like that and then I will start looking for public land. I will find out how close it is and I will see if some of it is in walking distance or maybe bike distance.” – Ryan Taylor
- “When I killed my first deer, it was like the greatest moment of my life...ok, I crossed over as a man.” – Ryan Taylor
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Ryan Taylor on social media: Instagram for Whitetail Thrive | Facebook | Instagram for Natural Born Outdoorsman
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Deer, Grilling, and Deliveries
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, has a solo episode without any guests where he discusses deer season and how to get prepared for deer season. AB3 also shares some guest comments, personal experiences, and he goes through “Your Deer Season To-Do List” by Terry Madewell from Game & Fish magazine.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- Open land deer season opens in August in South Carolina and closer to deer season.
- AB3 shares an audio clip from previous guest Eric Morris about a lack of outdoor shows by black producers.
- AB3 discusses the bad experiences with delivery services
- Game & Fish magazine has an article called “Your Deer Season To-Do List” by Terry Madewell.
- What is AB3’s thoughts on scouting for glass?
- Check your stands, blinds, ,and check blind sights.
- Practice scene control and eliminate it as much as possible.
- Check your regulations before you go out.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Perform rifle maintenance by cleaning, make sure your scope is good, and check your ammunition supply.
- Knock on doors to add hunting areas to make sure you have permission to be on hunting grounds.
- Load and organize your pack now so that you are ready to go when deer season starts.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “This past month back in July, we had the most ever listeners in the states of Montana and Washington.” – AB3
- “There is a magazine out there called Game & Fish and they produce these game and fish magazines for different regions of the country.” – AB3
- “Make sure your bow is performing at the standards you have set for it. Arrows are flying straight.” – AB3
Resources Mentioned:
- Bryant Land Show: https://bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast/
- OnXHunt link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt-app
- Traeger Grills: https://www.traegergrills.com
- Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/bryantlandBass
- Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Eric Morris: Non Typical Outdoorsman
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Eric Morris of N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV and Producer & Host for Non Typical Outdoorsman TV. Eric Morris talks about having his N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV on a mainstream channel, reasons why the stereotype that black people don’t hunt persists, and how he deepened his love for hunting and mentoring people in the outdoors.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 talks about being sponsored by Traeger Grills.
- How did Eric Morris get involved in hunting?
- SteveWhat was Eric Moss’s college experience like?
- Has he ever thought about coaching trap and skeet teams?
- How did he end up teaching hunter’s education?
- Where does the perception that black people don’t hunt come from?
- What is Eric’s favorite forms of hunting and season?
- Eric Morris talks about making N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV.
- People will tell themselves things to make themselves feel more comfortable.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Avoid heat strokes by getting your outdoor work done early in the morning or in the early evening and
- Eric Morris started Black Wolf Hunting Club with a mission to create chapters all over America to get more minorities to get involved in hunting and fishing.
- Eric Morris likes to hunt deer, dove, duck, quail, bear, hog, and pheasant.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Everybody else wanted to be a star football player or star basketball player My goal was to be the top shooter on the rifle team by the time I graduated high school and I did it.” – Eric Morris
- “My passion lies within hunting and mentoring and teaching others about hunting and the outdoors. Teaching people how to shoot.” – Eric Morris
- “There are thousands, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of black people that hunt across America.” – Eric Morris
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- onX Hunt: onxmaps.com
- Traeger Grills: traegergrills.com
- Eric Morris: Linkedin | Facebook
- Email Eric Morris: nontypicaloutdoorsman@outlook.com
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Steve Hayes: The Professor
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Steve Hayes The Professor, a camera operator when AB3 was directing high school football games in Georgia, teaching video production at Georgia State, his freelance video work, working in news, and his experience filming outdoors stories.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 explains a situation that happened on his property.
- AB3 introduces Steve Hayes.
- Steve Hayes talks about his family members’ connections to Cornell University and farming.
- They talk about deer drive and hunting with dogs.
- Steve Hayes does a lot of pheasant hunting.
- Cooking should be taught in high school.
- What drew him towards working in television?
- Steve Hayes worked in news at an ABC television affiliate in Rochester, NY.
- What are some of the outdoors stories he reported on?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Steve Hayes’s father got an agriculture degree from Cornell University.
- People come from all over the world to fish for salmon in Rochester, New York.
- The number rule of turkey hunting is to remain still and be unobserved because turkeys will pick up on anything.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I grew up in a small town in Upstate New York called Geneva. Well, not small. It had like 16,000 people, and I started hunting with my dad when I was probably 10 or 11-years-old. My dad was a farmer.” – Steve Hayes
- “Believe it or not, agriculture is one of the biggest industries in the country. You go to any state and agriculture is like the number one industry.” – Steve Hayes
- “I haven’t hunted or fished for a long time but I like observing people and seeing how things are done.” – Steve Hayes
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- onX Hunt: onxmaps.com
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Kendall Strickland: Strickland Heritage Farms
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Kendall Strickland, Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman, Marksman, and Owner-Operator of Strickland Heritage Farms and the Owner of Strickland Pride Produce. Kendall Strickland talks about his experience from Illinois to Georgia and starting his farm, his love of fishing, and the produce and cattle that he raises on his land.
Episode Highlights:
- onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show, is a mapping technology app that helps you in the field to mark your stands, trail cameras, and trees you plan to climb.
- AB3 introduces Kendall Strickland.
- Where in Illinois is Kendall Strickland from?
- How did Kendall become a farmer?
- Kendall talks about his experience with land ownership.
- What does he have on his farm?
- How much work is it when working with chickens?
- What has been Kendall’s experience with cattle and livestock?
- What does he think about goats?
- He talks about the inspiration behind his fruit and vegetable stand?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
- Support onX Hunt, a sponsor of The Bryant Land Show at onxmaps.com.
3 Key Points:
- Kendall has had people he knows hunt on his property. But it is not something he allows often to preserve his property.
- He originally wanted at least 6-7 acres. He ended up with just under 15 acres.
- Kendall Strickland’s farm currently has 2 cows, 20-something muscadine plants, an orchard with plums and peaches, vegetable patch,
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I’ve been fishing since I was 7 and so, it just comes so natural to me.” – Kendall Strickland
- “I sold them (chickens) because I was putting more money into them than I could see getting out of them.” – Kendall Strickland
- “I intend on eventually fencing in some of my woods and that way I don’t have to pay nearly as much in feed.” – Kendall Strickland
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- onX Hunt: onxmaps.com
- Kendall Strickland on social media: Linkedin | Instagram
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Josh Crumpton: Spoke Hollow Outfitters
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Josh Crumpton, Owner of Spoke Hollow Outfitters in Wimberley, Texas, about 40 minutes outside of Austin, Texas. Josh Crumpton talks about how his racial identity came front and center during the response to George Floyd’s death, how he learned hunting and fishing, and what he does at Spoke Hollow Outfitters.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 introduces Josh Crumpton.
- Josh Crumpton talks about traveling to Idaho.
- AB3 reads Josh’s George Floyd letter.
- What pushes Josh to write his letter?
- When did Josh come to hunting and fishing?
- Josh Crumpton talks about what it was like when he first learned to hunt and butcher meat.
- How did he get to creating and sustaining a ranch?
- Take the opportunity to own your own land.
- Josh also has a 9000 acre ranch in West, Texas.
- What is the BHA?
- Josh Crumpton talks about deer hunting and conservation.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Josh taught himself how to fly fish at the age of 12.
- He was in his 30s when he taught himself how to hunt.
- Josh is the third generation owner of his ranch and his kids will be the fourth.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “We were always pushing diversity in the outdoors at Spoke Hollow Ranch. As an outfitter, we did that because that’s the way we saw the world.” – Josh Crumpton
- “Hunting is in the roots of all of us as humanity.” – Josh Crumpton
- “I came to hunting through the Sustainable Farming Movement. I was looking at being self-sustained and I took a class on how to butcher a hog.” – Josh Crumpton
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Spoke Hollow Outfitters website: hookandfield.com
- Spoke Hollow Outfitters on social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter
- Call Josh Crumpton: (210) 441-8025
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Wade Truong and Rachel Owen: Elevated Wild
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Wade Truong and Rachel Owen, Founders of Elevated Wild. Wade and Rachel are a couple that talk about their shared passion for hunting and cooking, creating Elevated Wild, how they began their journeys, and they describe the types of hunts they enjoy in Virginia.
Episode Highlights:
- Does AB3 hunt on public land?
- AB3 shares his advice for African Americans hunting on public land.
- AB3 introduces Wade Truong and Rachel Owen.
- What are Wade’s inspirations for recipes?
- Where did Wade’s parents come from and what was their experience like moving to Virginia?
- Was Wade’s hunting self-taught?
- What got Rachel Owen involved in hunting and cooking?
- Rachel Owen talks about being a forager.
- What are their favorite types of hunts?
- What defines their hunting lifestyles?
- Which animals do they hunt in Virginia?
- What is their secret to cooking ham?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Wade likes having decoys involved in hunting, ‘counterfeiting a scenario’ and tricking an animal on their own terms.
- All the emotions and sweat equity associated with hunting and earning the food are wrapped up into Wade’s passion for hunting.
- Anything that you cook for 200 degrees for a long time is going to end up dry
Tweetable Quotes:
- (Cooking) “You can learn more by doing things wrong than reading how to do things right.” – Wade Truong
- “I think a lot of people, especially our generation and younger, there is a lot of concern about where your food comes.” – Rachel Owen
- “Even when I was eating meat, I always said, you know, if somebody hunted it I would eat it. It just always seemed like there was a really clear ethical distinction between factory farmed meat and hunted meat.” – Rachel Owen
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Elevated Wild website: elevatedwild.com
- Elevated Wild on social media: Instagram Facebook
- Elevated Wild email: hello@elevatedwild.com
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Trey Fails: The Dreaded Outdoors
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Trey Fails, Founder of The Dreaded Outdoors. Trey Fails talks about what Minneapolis is like now after the response to the murder of George Floyd, his work as a diversion case manager and his hunting videos, his experiences with bow hunting, and hunting within city limits.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 introduces his guest Trey Fails
- Trey Fails talks about Minneapolis post-George Floyd
- What does his work as a diversion case manager consist of?
- Trey Fails discusses his series called Within the Limits.
- Trey talks about killing a buck that was around 150lbs.
- What were the rules for hunting within city limits?
- How did Trey go about shooting his videos?
- What kind of bows and arrows is Trey Fails using?
- Did Trey bow hunt in high school and college?
- Is he making a transition into fishing competitively?
- How do the best 5 fish competitions work?
- What would be his advice for someone starting out bass fishing?
- What is his personal best for bass fishing?
- Does he fish on a regular basis?
- What are the next steps that he is trying to get accomplished for the rest of 2020.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Trey Fails filmed a series called Within the Limits about the deer hunting program within city limits.
- Trey Fails killed two deers in one day with a bow, including his first buck with a bow.
- See if you can throw parallel to the bank when you are frogging or top water fishing.
Tweetable Quotes:
- (Hunting within city limits in Minneapolis) “The registration was just to send the Park Board a text saying I shot a doe at this time and blah, blah, blah, and there it is done.” – Trey Fails
- “I don’t know what it was that made me kind of take fishing and hunting a little bit more serious other than going over to the lake and plopping in a bobber and a work or sitting out in the woods with a shotgun.” – Trey Fails
- (Competitive fishing) “It has always been a dream of mine since 10, 13, watching BassMaster Classic.” – Trey Fails
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Trey Fails on social media: Instagram | YouTube
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Celebrating Juneteenth and Father's Day
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, talks about Father’s Day, three great gift ideas, and three bad ideas for gifts that you shouldn’t buy. AB3 also discusses his own father and the celebration of the Juneteenth holiday.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 speaks about the bittersweetness of Father’s Day for him with his kids, and how being that he lost his dad it carries some sadness with it.
- Buy your dad or husband a bow, a rifle, or a shotgun for Father’s Day.
- Buy a Traeger grill for your dad or husband for Father’s Day.
- Buy your dad or husband a gift card for $50 or better for an outdoor store that he likes for Father’s Day.
- June 19th, 2020 will be the date for this year’s Juneteeth holiday.
- AB3 explains the importance of the Juneteeth holiday.
- Don’t buy your dad or husband a tie or slippers for Father’s Day and in general.
- Don’t buy your dad or husband a card for Father’s Day and in general.
- Don’t buy your dad or husband a gift that is really for you for Father’s Day and in general.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Hunting is not an activity that AB3 shared with his dad.
- AB3 considers Traeger grills to be the top-of-the-line ‘Cadillac of grills.’
- Juneteeth is an annual holiday to celebrate the last of the enslaved African American being freed.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “For me, Father’s Day is always bitter sweet. Having kids of my own, I enjoy it. We have a good time. They usually give me a gift or whatever. We will either cook out or go to a park and eat.” – AB3
- “Make that investment in him (your dad or husband). Purchase him a bow, a rifle, or a shotgun.” – AB3
- “I can personally count on one hand how many ties I own. That is because I absolutely despise dressing up. I’m not a three-piece suit guy.” – AB3
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Isma Talley: She Fowlin'
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Isma Talley, a passionate duck hunter and Alabama football fan, Isma Talley talks about her love of duck hunting and college football, her experiences hunting in Alabama, Texas and Mississippi, and going after wood ducks, geese, and turkeys.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 speaks about The Bryant Land Show not being a place for politics.
- AB3 introduces his guest Isma Talley.
- Isma and AB3 talk about college football.
- Where did Isma grow up and what was her upbringing like?
- How early was she exposed to duck hunting?
- She went on a deer hunt while she was in the Army.
- Isma started duck hunting after she got out of the military.
- When she was deer hunting, she was strictly gun hunting.
- What would she say is her favorite style of duck hunting?
- They discuss hunting in Texas, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.
- What has been Isma’s experience hunting wood ducks.
- AB3 talks about using his shotgun.
- They discuss Sandhill Crane hunts.
- What turns her off with deer hunting in Texas?
- She shares a story about turkey hunting experience and her favorite states for duck hunts.
- What is her take on hunting on public land and guided hunts?
- Does she have aspirations to build her own outdoor brand?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- When wood ducks fall in a timber hole it is very hard for them to get back out.
- Illinois is great for goose hunting.
- Isma Talley likes hunting in Texas for waterfowls but not deer.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I started hunting with my daddy. I was like 4 or something. My dad would go kill deers and I would help him skin them and stuff when I was a little baby.” – Isma Talley
- “I did try the pit. I don’t think I like that too much. Maybe if I’m just trying to kill geese. I won’t say that I enjoyed it like I do the coast or like hiding in some trees somewhere.” – Isma Talley
- “We killed almost 30 wood ducks in like 25 minutes or something in a timber hole.” – Isma Talley
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Isma Talley on social media: Instagram
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Brandon Goodwin: Student For Life
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Brandon Goodwin, a dedicated student of the outdoors, who literally started a brand called The Hunting Student. Brandon Goodwin shares what he has been learning as a hunting, his open-minded approach to learning, his love of being out in the country, his recent deer hunt, and his experiences hunting in California.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 gives his condolences to James ‘Bub’ Jackson Jr. who passed away recently.
- AB3 introduces his guest Brandon Goodwin.
- Has Brandon had plans changed because of COVID-19?
- Brandon and AB3 talk sports.
- What did he learn on his recent deer hunt?
- How was Brandon’s geese and duck trip in Arkansas?
- What are his thoughts about sitting in a blind?
- Set your mind to what you want to achieve because anything is possible.
- What type of shotgun does Brandon use?
- Brandon discusses the taste of racoon.
- What does Brandon have coming up when things get back to some form of normal?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Brandon Goodwin’s first deer kill was a mule deer.
- With meating processing becoming difficult during the pandemic, many people are looking at hunting in a more positive way.
- Apply the techniques that work best for you and that you are comfortable with.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I started the Instagram page, @TheHuntingStudent page, because I was trying to leverage the experience of other people who are more familiar with hunting out here in the West, hunting in California.” – Brandon Goodwin
- “My mentality is I’m trying to be a student of this (hunting) experience. I don’t assume to know everything. I don’t assume to know more than anyone.” – Brandon Goodwin
- (Hunting) “’I’m really connected to the whole food element of the situation.” – Brandon Goodwin
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Brandon Goodwin on social media: Instagram
- The Hunting Student website: thehuntingstudent.com
Monday May 25, 2020
Myishia Renee: Glitter and Gills
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Myishia Renee, self-proclaimed ‘girly girl’ who is highly experienced when it comes to fishing. When she isn’t busy making custom wine glasses, she is pulling out catfish and bass from the waters of the Bay Area in California. Myishia Renee talks about her favorite fish, the bait that she prefers to use, and her fishing techniques.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 introduces his guest Myishia Renee.
- How did Myishia get started with fishing?
- Does she prefer bank fish or fishing in boats?
- Has she ever noodled for catfish?
- How did Myishia learn about the different types of fish?
- What made Myishia Renee put her love of fishing out on social media?
- What times does she prefer to go fishing?
- Myishia Renee shares humorous stories about making time for fishing.
- What is the biggest bass and the biggest catfish that she has ever caught?
- If she catches an 8-pound fish she would get it mounted.
- Has she thought about tournaments and fishing competitively?
- She has been asked to be on the TV show Survivor.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Myishia Renee prefers bank fishing with two poles.
- Myishia freezes her fishing bait to avoid the strong smell and she uses medium shrimp as bait for catfish.
- She likes to fish early in the morning before the sun comes up and night fishing when the sun comes down.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I literally started fishing maybe when I was 4-years-old. So, I would go out with my mom and the family and fish.” – Myishia Renee
- “Catfish are my favorite. I like the fight. But when I got a taste for the big bass, ever since then it has been all in.” – Myishia Renee
- “My best moment ever for a bass. I think he was about 5 pounds and he was huge. The mouth was huge, and ever since then, you are chasing that.” – Myishia Renee
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Show: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Myishia Renee on social media: Instagram YouTube
- Forever Wine and Shine: Instagram | Facebook
Monday May 18, 2020
Arrow Building w/Kyle Davidson
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Kyle Davidson, Owner of DCA Custom Arrows in Noblesville, Indiana, offering custom tuned and built arrows based off the bow's IBO (speed rating), shooter's draw length and draw weight. Kyle Davidson discusses how he mixes engineering, ingenuity, and a lot of creativity into building some of the best arrows for the archery world.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 introduces his guest Kyle Davidson.
- As a mechanical engineer, what made Kyle take what he knew and apply it to constructing arrows?
- What is RND?
- What was Kyle’s research and development process like?
- People seem to spend all kinds of money on archery equipment except for arrows, which is the part that actually hits the target.
- AB3 and Kyle share memories of tinkering with archery equipment.
- There are many variables that affect how well you are shooting your arrows.
- How did Kyle Davidson get involved in tournaments?
- Kyle loves to spend time experimenting on arrows.
- What is the difference between mechanical blade versus a fixed blade?
- If the arrow is curving while it is flying, it won’t drive into the animal.
- Kyle talks about the force and diameters of arrows.
- What are some ways to test arrows?
- About 80% of Kyle’s shots are either 9 yards or 100 yards.
- They talk about getting started with bow hunting and buck hunting.
- Could he see himself transitioning to working on arrows full-time?
- The world unfortunately is full of products that over promise and under deliver.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- A well-tuned arrow is more accurate than just an expensive arrow.
- Kyle Davidson has somewhere around 30 patents.
- Mechanically speaking, Kyle finds the Iron Will flying broadheads to be superior.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Spending some money on the part that is actually going to make contact with the animal or the target, I think that is something that people don’t spend a lot of money on, and it is interesting to me.” – Kyle Davidson
- “When you start shooting 70-80 yards and things like that, your sight gate can vary quite a bit, depending on the humidity, the weather, the wind, how you’re shooting, how you’re holding, if you’ve eaten anything that day.” – Kyle Davidson
- “I’ve only been hunting probably four times in my life. But, I’ve shot 100s, not 100s of individual broadheads. But a long time of shooting broadheads, just shooting at range.” – Kyle Davidson
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Country Podcast: bryantlandcountry.com/the-bryant-land-country-podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Kyle Davidson on social media: Linkedin
- DCA Custom Arrows: DCACustomArrows.com
- DCA Custom Arrows on social media: Instagram | YouTube
Monday May 11, 2020
Western Contours w/Guy Duplantier
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Guy Duplantier, an accomplished elk hunter host of the Western Contours podcast. AB3 and Guy Duplantier compare southern and western hunting styles, how Guy goes about elk hunting, and how he began creating his Western Contours brand.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 introduces his guest Guy Duplantier and they talk about elk bugles.
- Guy shares his story of hunting a doe that started his hunting obsession.
- How did Guy Duplantier get started hunting elk?
- They discuss the quality of Guy Duplantier’s videos.
- Guy says that he will never miss an elk season again.
- He discusses public land hunts and DIY hunts.
- What are the average ranges for bow hunting elk?
- COVID-19 is having an impact on hunting seasons.
- How often does he shoot his bow and with which equipment does he use?
- What made him start the Western Contours brand?
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- As far as bow hunting, AB3 prefers to shoot at a range of 15-20 yards.
- You need strong lung capacity for high altitude hunts.
- Many common traditional values like honesty, respect, and praying over your meal as a family are often common hunters.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “The way California is set up, and our herds and what not, it takes years. Elk is a once in a lifetime.” – Guy Duplantier
- “Last year I hit 17 points, which is max points for California elk.” – Guy Duplantier
- “In the west, I’m going to say our average shot is about 40 yards, on most gain. When it comes to elk, most guys believe the closer the better.” – Guy Duplantier
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Show Podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Western Contours: westerncontours.com
- Western Contours on social media: Instagram
Monday May 04, 2020
Huntin' Mama w/ Bianca Jane
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, interviews Bianca Jane in honor of Mother’s Day, a woman who balances hunting, motherhood, and nursing, during these unpredictable times of COVID-19. Bianca also talks about bowhunting, bowfishing, hunting stingrays, mule deer, and moose.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 sends a special shout out to Woodsman5150 for leaving comments.
- AB3 discusses hunting-themed Mother’s Day gifts.
- Bianca Jane was featured previously on episode 6.
- How has COVID-19 affected Bianca’s life?
- Bianca talks about working towards her NWTF Grand Slam.
- What is it like hunting in Florida?
- How did Bianca Jane get interested in bowfishing?
- What is it like hunting stingrays?
- Bow fishing offers a lot of opportunities.
- What is the difference between a compound bow and a bowfishing bow?
- What makes for a better bowhunter?
- Does she aim for headshots?
- Elk, Texas white tail, and mule deer hunts are on AB3’s hunting agenda.
- Bianca talks about hunting mule deer and moose.
- What does mule deer meat taste like compared to white tail?
- She describes a trip in Pennsylvania during Halloween.
- The first deer AB3 killed were in Wisconsin.
- Traveling and bowhunting are topics that Bianca Jane will be writing about.
- AB3 is looking forward to going on an axis deer hunt and an elk hunt.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Stingrays have small brains the size of a quarter. Unless you hit that, they are going to live. Their body is mostly cartilage.
- The difference between a compound bow and a bowfishing bow is you have an infinite draw on the bowfishing bow so you can make those quick shots without going to full draw.
- Remember water refraction when bow fishing when taking your aim.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “When I haphazardly just wandered into bow hunting...looking online, I was like, oh my gosh they are shooting fish with a bow?” – Bianca Jane
- “Stingrays, when we shoot them, they aren’t as easy as people think they are, because you can’t shoot them anywhere or they will come off the barb. You have to shoot them down the center.” – Bianca Jane
- “It is a real team effort too, when you shoot a big fish, you’ve got to get backup shots in or it is going to run off and you’ve got to have a good captain.” – Bianca Jane
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Show Podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Mike’s Seasonings: mikesseasonings.myshopify.com
- Bianca Jane on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
- Bianca Jane’s website: Herhumblehuntoutdoors.com
- Email Bianca Jane: Bianca@herhumblehunt.com
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Follow The Recipe Part 2
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
AB3, Host of The Bryant Land Show, comes through with the second installment of Follow the Recipe to finesse your way through some delicious meals. Follow the Receipt Part 1 from episode 67 covered what you could do in the kitchen after you go hunting for deer and hog meat. This time around, AB3 covers ducks, turkeys, and geese.
Episode Highlights:
- AB3 is going to dive into recipes for ducks, turkeys, and geese.
- How does AB3 like to season and prepare wild turkey breast?
- AB3 talks about smoking wild turkey breasts.
- He injects Tony’s Cajun Butter in different spots of the turkey to marinade it.
- Goose is red meat so you have to cook it like you would a red meat.
- AB3 shares the three ways that he prepares geese.
- How does he like to cook his duck meat?
- Italian dressing works well with duck meat because it has its own oil already to help with the moisture and to keep the flavor.
- How does he approach roasted duck?
- AB3 is looking forward to going on an axis deer hunt and an elk hunt.
- Look for the Bass Pro Shop links on BryantLandCountry.com.
3 Key Points:
- Turkey is a meat that gets really dry really fast. Smoking turkey breasts is AB3’s favorite way to do them.
- The three ways AB3 likes to prepare geese are: Dr. Pepper and orange juice marinade, Lawry’s Hawaiian Sauce marinade, and on an old-fashioned grill.
- You can use duck meat for a deer/duck gumbo, you can breast the ducks out, pan searing, grilling, and marinade with Italian dressing.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “My favorite thing to do with wild turkey is to breast them out. I have not done a whole turkey. Quite frankly, it is very tedious to get those feathers off of big birds, like turkey and like, geese. I have done whole ducks.” – AB3
- “I breast those geese out, and once you breast those out, especially a big goose, it’s a pretty good size.” – AB3
- “With duck breast, the way that I like to do that marinade is, I like it with an Italian dressing.” – AB3
Resources Mentioned:
- The Bryant Land Show Podcast
- Follow Bryant Land on social media: Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Support the Bryant Land Show Patreon for exclusive content: Patreon
- Bass Pro Affiliate: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/NaQx7
- Mike’s Seasonings: mikesseasonings.myshopify.com