Welcome to Bryant Land! The Bryant Land Show is produced for people who are excited about hunting and the outdoors.We truly champion diversity in the outdoor community. That is shown in the diversity of guests on our show. Wether you are a new to hunting, a savvy veteran, black, latino, man, woman, disabled or anything in between all are welcome and this podcast has something for you.

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Fishing While You Work
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
The Bryant Land Country Podcast is up for your listening pleasure. In this weeks episode AB3 covers a few topics. A hog hunt that didn't happen, update on the fresh food plots he planted last week and how one NBA star almost missed out on a contract while fishing.
AB3 was also a guest on "When the Hunt Calls." Cliff Cadet from @urbanarcherynyc had AB3 on his instagram live show and that is recapped. Make sure you check out "When the Hunt Calls" 9pm ET on instagram and click on the link to see AB3's episode.
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We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
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Monday Jul 08, 2019
Baiting and Food Plots
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
The Bryant Land Country Podcast is up for your listening pleasure. In this weeks episode AB3 recaps last week's podcast (My First Hunt) by reading some listener accounts of their first hunting memories.
AB3 then gets into baiting and food plots. Is there a difference, not really. He will also talk about the things he's doing to get those plots and bait stations ready for the upcoming deer season.
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We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
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Monday Jul 01, 2019
First Time Hunting
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
This week on the Bryant Land Country Podcast AB3 will reflect on his first hunting experience. Back in October of 2015 he went on a hog hunt in South Georgia. They ran the dogs on this hunt and he used a bow. Hog hunting with dogs is a full out adrenaline rush. Things start out quiet in these hunts but once the dogs get on a hog, its on! So listen to AB3 as he recaps that.
Also AB3 get's into his work trip to Detroit for baseball. He his back on the grind for a small stretch and goes into detail about that.
Last thing covered in this episode is a quick commentary about last weeks episode with Patrick Durkin. The feedback we received was mostly positive. And why a lot of folks didn't necessary agree with him or Patrick at least they were respectful.
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We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
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Monday Jun 24, 2019
Patrick Durkin
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Patrick Durkin of Waupaca, Wisconsin, is an award-winning outdoor writer, newspaper columnist, and general outdoors reporter. He also provides editing services for books and magazines.
He was a contributing editor of the Archery Trade Association and writes frequently for national archery and hunting magazines. In addition, he has been MeatEater's wildlife research contributor since June 2018, and an editor for Inside Archery magazine, an archery industry trade publication, since December 2014.
Durkin has written a weekly outdoors newspaper column since 1984. His weekly column has appeared regularly in over 20 Wisconsin newspapers during his career. His magazine articles have appeared in several publications such as the American Hunter, Outdoor Life, Bugle (Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation), Quality Whitetails, Whitetail Journal, etc.
It’s no secret there is a lack of participation in the hunting industry by people of color. The lack of representation of people of color in the hunting industry is what led Durkin to become curious about this issue. It led him to ask the question is hunting too White?
As a result of this curiosity he wrote an article "Is Hunting Too White?". As a Black hunter I'm always asked if I'm fearful of hunting with White men with guns. Some hunting outfitters have their names with the word plantation on it without realizing how that impacts people. Frankly, hunting is a test on how well you get along with people, especially when you're sitting in a blind.
We discussed some things that need to change so hunting can be more inclusive. Organizations are entering more cities to reach more Black and Latino children. Durkin recognizes there are lots of things he doesn't have to think about because of his position in the world. Not everyone has access to land, rivers and different places to hunt and fish. This is a thoughtful discussion about a touchy subject.
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We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Patrick Durkin on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Blackbill Outdoors
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
This week our conversation is with YouTuber and hunter DJ Jones. We spend some time talking about his transition into and out of playing football at the college level. When his football career ended abruptly, he found more time for hunting.
Being an outdoorsman is a family tradition for DJ. His uncle used to take him hunting unbeknownst to his father. He fell in love with hunting. But he mostly grew up deer dog hunting in Florida and then later was introduced to hog hunting.
He harvested his first buck in Minnesota. This buck weighed about 189 lbs with 9 scorable points. DJ shoots his own hunting videos in which he published on his social media channel BlackBillOutdoors. The recovery of that buck gained over 10,000 views on YouTube. As a result of his social media presence he is now an ambassador for the Legendary Whitetails.
We spend some time discussing the adjustment from living in Florida to Minnesota. The rules of hunting in MN are much different than FL. DJ also shares with us why hunting on public land isn’t his favorite option. He’s excited to travel to more states to hunt more species specifically the black bear and mule deer.
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We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow DJ Jones on social media: YouTube | Instagram

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Bears, Cougars and Taxidermy
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
This interview is a bit different. It’s an in person interview with a self-taught renowned taxidermist. With state, national, international and world championship awards Dave Polak has been a trusted authority for professional and artistic taxidermy services for over 25 years. He does quality work using the best materials.
Dave specializes in Custom African and life size mounts, specialty bird mounts, rugs, mammals, deer, birds, fish, shoulder mounts, pedestals with habitat and cabinet bases. With the amount of knowledge that Dave has acquired he also teaches others how to do the same.
We get into his taxidermy business where Dave provides great advice for those who want to get into the business but also shares some things to consider when you’re looking for a taxidermist for yourself.
Recently, he finished a cougar hunt but he also enjoys bear hunts. Most of these kinds of hunts require strength and endurance. And of course, lots of patience.
Sometimes you’re in the woods for days and other times you kill your prey a lot quicker than you think. Nonetheless, there’s a lot of hiking and waiting involved in the wild. Therefore, if this is something you’d like to add to your hunting repertoire then tune in.
Before you go…
We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here! 20% OFF with the promo code DADDY
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Dave Polak on social media: Facebook

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Bonus Epz-Gone Fishin'
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
It's summertime and the kids are out of school. They came up to visit AB3 in Milwaukee for a few days and had a great fishing trip on Lake Michigan with Captain Brian Griffin from Griffin Charters. The Captain and AB3 goose hunt together in the winter so it was natural that they fish together.
The kids talk about the trip, having to get up early and a little friendly competition. A competition that led to the sister having to help out the brother. Also find out who caught the biggest fish of the day.
Before you go…
We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here! 20% OFF with the promo code DADDY
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Monday Jun 03, 2019
Hunting With a Camera - Part 2
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
We are on part two of episode 21 with Lance Krueger. In this episode we dive even deeper into some of the techniques that he uses to capture his wildlife photos, cameras, sitting in the blinds and family life.
However, in the last episode we discuss how Lance got into wildlife photography and created a name for himself in some of the top wildlife and hunting magazines on the market. Household names include Field & Stream, and Outdoor Life.
Today, Lance shares in detail the the types of cameras he uses to photograph the animals. He provides some tips that could save you thousands and thousands of dollars on camera equipment.
We then spend an incredible amount of time discussing how he sits in the blinds to capture those up and personal shots. If you remember (last episode) we talked about understanding the behaviors of the deer.
Clearly, a lot of patience is needed. This process is not for people who have difficulties with delaying instant gratification. Lance sits in the blind for hours and sets up his cameras for days so that the deer become comfortable enough with having them around that they let their guard down. This allows him to take incredible shots.
One thing's for sure, Lance recommends not using camouflage for inside of the blind and outside of it. The idea is to eliminate movement not create it because this allows you get even closer to your prey. He tells us exactly what we should wear when we’re sitting in the blinds.
Lastly, Lance created a lifestyle for himself and his family that most of us would dream to have. He has been fortunate enough to share his passion with his family and he tells us how he was able to do that unconventionally.
Before you go…
We enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
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Follow Lance Krueger on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Monday May 27, 2019
Hunting With a Camera
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Lance Krueger is one of the top Whitetail Deer photographers in the world. He’s s a full-time professional photographer and outdoor writer who travels extensively photographing wildlife, hunting and fishing scenes throughout North America.
Lance's extensive photographic coverage of the Whitetail Deer for over 25 years includes more States and provinces than any other professional photographer, and he has photographically captured Whitetail Deer doing in their habitats.
Lance has had thousands of his photos appear on the covers and inside most of the national hunting and fishing magazines as well as articles. But he also writes for books and magazines. His photos are a mainstay on the covers for the top hunting and fishing magazines.
These household names include Field & Stream, and Outdoor Life. Lance's photos have also appeared nationally and internationally in books, calendars, brochures, advertisements, websites, apparel, catalogs, products, packaging, artist renderings, and even billboards for some of the top companies around the world, which you can see a list of here.
People always ask him how does he get so close to the deer. Well, it’s not from purchasing products like deer scent or anything like that because there’s no magic pill to it. Although, some things may help. However, if you want to come as close as he does to a deer, then you’ll have to put the time in the woods––sitting and waiting in the blind.
This is the best way to learn about deer movements. For instance, you can learn about their behavioral patterns, how old they are and a host of things that will help you to become a better hunter. Even when you’re scouting, use every opportunity you can.
Lance believes you can condition deer over time through constant human interactions. He shares a lot of tips on how to do that.
For our new hunters, we go in-depth about aging deer on the huff. I bet you’re wondering, what that is? It’s the way in which you can tell how old a deer is. Well, did you know the older a deer gets the more angled the brisket will be? Lance does a great job breaking it down for us.
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Lance Krueger on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Thursday May 23, 2019
Bonus Epz-Inclusion
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Welcome to another Bonus Epz. In this episode AB3 gives his thoughts on the Meateater article "Is Hunting Too White" by Patrick Durkin.
AB3 also talks about a new DIY hack that he created. The Lakers treatment of Hall of Famer Magic Johnson and AEW's Double or Nothing wrestling PPV this weekend.
If you know anyone that we should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
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Monday May 20, 2019
Becoming a Bowhunter
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
We love talking to brand new hunters because it’s a great reminder of why we fell in love with the sport in the first place. Alan Yates is learning how to be a bowhunter. But like many of us, he didn’t grow up hunting. And living in the city limited his options.
We share some personal stuff about not having the opportunity to hunt growing up. What he realized was that everyone needs something they can call their own––something that brings them joy and fulfillment. Hunting, the outdoors and nature is that for Alan.
Well, we both agreed bowhunting is an art––it can’t be faked, cheated and we can’t lie to ourselves about it. Using a bow to hunt is not easy. But the beauty of it, is that it’s very personal.
Sure, hunting is hunting, but a lot of people can be taught how to pull a trigger. However, there’s a finesse in bowhunting that you must train for. Because of how much of a personal experience it is it pulls us closer to nature.
To add to that, Alan believes that by nature, we are all hunters and gatherers but through the modernization of society, we’ve gotten away from that. While, instant gratification gives us what we want at the push of a button.
Hunting and harvesting our own meat is a necessary accomplishment. Hunting for Alan, isn’t just to fulfill a childhood dream but he believes the standards of meat at the grocery stores are subpar. It is his duty to provide better quality of food for his family.
Alan and his buddy Cliff are going live on Instagram for a total of six weeks. They titled it Journey To The Hunt. It’s a space that’s created for new hunters and he will share how he and Cliff got started.
In other words, they will share the fundamentals for beginner hunters to get started. The goal is to follow along while they train up until they harvest an animal. So tune for Journey To The Hunt on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST. on Instagram
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Alan Yates on social media: Instagram

Monday May 13, 2019
California Love
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Brandon Goodwin is The Hunting Student, which is an online community that provides information and support to beginner hunters.
Those who just started in the industry who need answers ranging from the type of turkey calls that work the best to something as simple to the kind of boots to where when you’re scouting in the forest.
He also wanted to put the West on the map. No one talks about the western hunting experience in particularly California.
This is something he wanted to highlight because in the area that he’s living there are tons of opportunities to hunt all kinds of animals. But not only that, he noticed there also wasn’t a lot of people of color being represented in the hunting industry.
Brandon had the benefit of living around the water and the mountains and so he has tried various outdoor activities such as, surfing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, rock climbing and mountain biking.
His goal is to not only document his personal experiences as a hunter who’s constantly learning and evolving but to also encourage hunters. Specifically those people who might not have had a traditional hunting heritage to pursue the lifestyle.
So tune in and enjoy the conversation!
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Brandon Goodwin on social media: Instagram

Monday May 06, 2019
Realtree's Josh Honeycutt
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Josh Honeycutt deer hunter from Kentucky who grew up slinging arrows and bullets at pressured river bottom whitetails.
If it’s deer or turkey season, you’ll find him high in an oak tree or sitting up against one. And he enjoys spending that time in the outdoors with his wife, Kathryn, as well as the rest of his family and friends.
Josh has hunted the prairie whitetails of Kansas to the river bottom bucks of Kentucky to the pine-dwelling deer of South Carolina. Simply put, he loves to hunt deer. And it doesn’t matter where, either.
His passion for the outdoors led to a career as an outdoor writer, photographer and videographer. Josh has been a regular contributor to Realtree.com since 2012 and came on board as the associate editor and deer hunting editor in July of 2015.
He writes for the Brow Tines and Backstrap online publications. His work has been published in nearly 50 publications and websites including: Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, North American Whitetail, Whitetail Journal, Game & Fish, Fur-Fish-Game, and more.
How do you like to hunt? Hunting different animals comes down to your personal preference. For instance, with turkeys you can take the fight to them, but with deer you just have to sit in the blind waiting.
Did you know that mouth calls play an important role in the hunting process? Different mouth calls can impact your hunt. They could either hurt your hunts or help your hunts. But really what it boils down to is experimenting with the different calls to see what bites.
Josh is doing what he loves––writing and creating content for the outdoors and hunting community.
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Josh Honeycutt on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Blog

Friday May 03, 2019
Bonus Epz-AB3's Turkey
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
AB3 went out on a turkey hunt this past Wednesday (5/1) in Marathon County, Wisconsin. What started out as a wet and dreary Wisconsin day, immediately turned in to a succesful turkey hunt. Listen to AB3 as he describes how it went down.
He also gives a update on new merchandise available at Bryant-Land.com/shop.
And also gives the rundown on new guest coming up in the next couple weeks.
Make sure you listen to this weeks episode Blood, Sweat and Gears
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If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Blood, Sweat, and Gears
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Blood, sweat and gears is what Lafayette Trowell put into his cars and hunting. It’s always nice to connect with another person from the South Carolina area. Lafayette has completed his Turkey Grand Slam. But before we got to talking about hunting we spent quite a bit of time reminiscing about the car culture of South Carolina.
Listen, I love, love trucks and cars so this was a great conversation. The car scene in South Carolina is so underrated. We reminisce about box Chevys and 6-4's and the big rims. Let me tell you, Lafayette has some really cool cars. He talks about how he customizes his cars and the care and work that goes into it.
Like I said, not only is he a car maniac, he’s also a hunter. He says when he was seven years old he walked into his Uncle’s house and there were deer heads plastered on the wall. It was at that moment he knew he hunting was for him. He spent years getting whooped by South Carolina Turkeys. But those experiences pushed him to start traveling to hunt and have even more experiences.
So if you’re both a car lover and a hunter don’t miss this amazing story!
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Lafayette Trowell on social media: Instagram | YouTube

Monday Apr 22, 2019
The American Adventure with Adam Edwards
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Adam Edwards is a proud hunter and outdoorsman. His goals are to educate, inform, motivate but also entertain! He grew up hunting deer, turkeys and dove all while getting some fishing in on the side. You’ll find him with his back against a tree, eyes peeled looking for an adventure. And he sure loves to bring everyone along for the ride!
Adam does a live chat on instagram in which he answers the questions of new hunters. He’s a big bow hunter that likes to spend 15-16 hours in the forest. You heard that right, a truly dedicated man. That brought us to talk about how difficult it is to kill a turkey. Find out why.
He says he likes to be truly with the animals eye level. The closer you are to the hunt the more mindful you have to about how you move and how still you have to be. It’s important to hunt the animals and not just shoot them when given the opportunity.
We talk about how different it is when you’re hunting from 500 yards to 30-40 yards. He uses his blog to further answer peoples questions and motivate people to get involved with hunting. We share some common insights and our philosophies about what hunting really means to us both. And being mindful and grateful about all of what goes into the hunting process so you can ultimately be succesful.
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Adam Edwards on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Bonus Epz-Kansas
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Ok, so we decided to put out another Bonus Epz this week. AB3 speaks on the return of Tiger Woods and his Master's victory. We get into a bit about AB3's Kansas turkey hunting trip. He also updates the new t-shirts at Bryantlandcountry.com
We love listener feedback here on the BLCP (Bryant Land Country Podcast) and some of those comments are shared on this episode.
If you have not already make sure you subscribe to the Bryant Land Country Podcast so you do not miss our regular weekly episodes that drop every Monday and these bonus episodes that can drop at anytime.
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Monday Apr 15, 2019
Ryan off the grid
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Ryan “Buddha” is a Marine corps veteran. He has hunted his entire life for just about every species he can get the opportunity to harvest. He talks a little bit about what it was like for him to hunt overseas and the different kinds of animals he encountered.
As the owner of Off The Grid Photography, he specializes in wildlife/landscape photography.
Off The Grid Videography was created as an offshoot to film hunting and fishing adventures for this show and for promotional videos for outfitters and outdoor retailers. We get into how he got started with photography and videography how he got his shot on the Pursuit Channel.
Buddha has been guiding hog, predator, and turkey hunts with Clay Herzog at Prone Outfitters for the last year. Over the past few years, he has turned into a jack of all trades when it comes to guiding and hunting various species.
As a Marine Combat Veteran, he is passionate about being involved with veterans hunts and other non profit organizations. He breaks down how he and his team assembled a mountain lion hunt for a Purple Heart veteran through his donated hunts.
And we talk a bit about why it’s important to pay for good reputable guides. Getting a guide can save a lot of time. We talk about some very important components to the hunt: reputable guides and scouting.
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
Follow Bryant Land on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Ryan on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Bonus Epz
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Welcome to the first of the "Bonus Epz" for the Bryant Land Country Podcast. These episodes will be much shorter than the full regular episodes. In these we will cover more of the randomness that we promised when we started the podcast. These episodes will also have more timely content as well.
Make sure you subscribe, rate and review. Thank you for your support of the podcast. We will continue to drop our regular episodes every Monday.
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Monday Apr 08, 2019
The Marsh Family
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Listen up guys, we are talking to our first hunting family! Antonio & Kim Marsh are a hunting family in South Carolina. They had zero background or experience in hunting and learned everything through trial and error. We discussed how hunting clubs provide a lot of support for you while you’re learning to hunt.
He shares what some of those mistakes were and one of them was he didn’t take the time to really keep their eyes focused on the hunt.
But be sure to tune and find out what the Marsh’s say you should spend most of your money on. Antonio also gave us some advice on how to better track and hunt your prey in more efficient ways. Remember to practice holding your draw because you don’t know how long you’re going to have to hold it.
Kim talks a bit about her first kill and how she likes to handle the process of a hunt. From heels to the muddy forest what the Marsh’s have accomplished in the first short three years has been incredible.
At first hunting was just something they kinda did, but once they strategized and committed to the process, things started to really pay off. They’ve done things that beginner bow hunters rarely do. Call it beginner’s luck, call it natural ability either way it’s fueled their love for the sport.
At the end of the day sometimes no matter how much you practice when you’re in the line of action sometimes your instincts just kick right in and you forget all of you’ve learned. Just be flexible.
Before you go…
I enjoy sharing tips and resources with all of you so please keep them coming. As I stated before I want this to be place where you, my audience gets involved in the conversation.
Last thing...
If you know anyone that I should be interviewing and have any feedback about the show or any topics that you would like to hear please shoot me an email ab3bryantland@gmail.com.
Get your Bryant Land Merchandise here!
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Follow The Marsh's on social media: Instagram